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  • therealgonelucid

Instagram vs YouTube

Igtv apparently is a decent place to rack up some views on your videos.. they seem to easily pull more than my YouTube videos (300%- %10000) increase compared to my YouTube)

But what I've noticed is on YouTube it's easy to get started uploading videos and all that but harder to get noticed while on igtv I found it extremely hard to upload.. I have a movie called "Thursday the 12th" a short fanfilm in the style of Halloween and Friday the 13th.. so I compressed it a thousand different ways and uploading before finally realizing they have a list of exactly what igtv wanted as size/aspect ratio/file container..Etc so I followed those instructions that didn't work uploading via browser/app/igtv app.. none.. so I even tried to bootleg my own movie with my phone's cam and that seemed to work better but never ended up on igtv yet again.. it's like they all get lost in the ether.. most of the time it says it failed but many times it just goes to 100% and you never get a confirmation or draft or full upload. So in other words I'm a bit disappointed in socials right now. Bitchute seems to be the only viable spot right now and technically I've been getting comments saying my videos arnt showing so idk. Anywho hit me up on Instagram YouTube and bitchute at GONE LUCID. You'll know which ones me..

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