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  • therealgonelucid

Information on n95 masks and how to cover your face during the covid-19 pandemic

N95 masks are made of a synthetic material made by a process called melt blowing.

Polymers for these fabrics are:

Polypropylene Polystyrene Polyesters Polyurethane Polyamides (nylons) Polyethylene Polycarbonate

So a good choice of material to use as a face mask and protection would be a micro-fiber. Even the New York times says this:

"Using blue shop towels can be 2-3 times better than cotton" when it comes to filtration of particulates.

So if you were to wear a regular mask(not suitable alone) and also a microfiber scarf or similar material, folded over itself.. as long as you don't infect yourself with the fabric (wash with bleach when you get home) you should be good to go. As usual though don't think just cause you have a mask, you are immune. Use all protection possible: masks gloves and of course proper hygiene like constantly washing your hands.

Normal soap is known to completely destroy the virus when it is not inside the body. Especially lye as its strong base breaks open the halo that protects the virus.

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