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  • therealgonelucid

Criminal Veteran Returns To USA after deportation

So I read a story.. and it was written in a non-linear timeline in a heavy propagandistic way.

The story starts when a 12 yr old gets amnesty in the USA , coming from Mexico.

When he was of age he joined the military.

Soon he was discharged for "medical reasons"?

Not long later hes working at a rental car company and starts to rent cars "off the books" to his friends. This lands him a felony charge and deportation.

So after being in Mexico for a couple months, he illegally enters the USA again.

Assuming he was working in the USA off the books AGAIN. He gets arrested for a traffic violation years into his illegal stay in the USA, he gets deported again. Apparently he entered the USA illegally a couple times and tried a couple more but didn't make it.

So this year, some sanctuary loving Democrat judge just let him back in. If he wasn't a multiple criminal offender, which included entering the country illegally and an illegal rental car scheme, I would be happy with him being back. But there was a reason he was deported, and it was not wrongly. on top of that, he disobeyed our laws again and entered the country illegally.

This is not the right way to go, we have laws for a reason.

Check out the article I had to disseminate and turn into a clearer timeline.. this is how so many in the mainstream media work.. shocking headline.. sum up the "wrong doing" in the first paragraph.. than put an ad or two before giving you the whole thing. They expect most people will read the first paragraph, think that's all of it and boom now there's another progressive voter armed with his "facts".

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